Why Energy Choice Matters


PSE customers struggling to pay their monthly energy bills.
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Average savings on monthly utility bill with natural gas versus electric.
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Washingtonians who somewhat or strongly oppose banning natural gas for residential heating.
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Natural gas delivers warmth and comfort to millions of Washington homes and businesses.

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Washingtonians who somewhat or strongly oppose banning natural gas to fight climate change.
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Why Energy Security Matters


Over one-third of manufacturers in Washington rely on natural gas to power their operations.
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Did you know?

Energy-burdened households are more likely to forgo food or medicine to pay their energy bills, lose housing and remain in cycles of poverty.
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The number of businesses, restaurants and institutions that rely on natural gas to meet their energy needs.
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Did you know?

The electric power sector remains the largest natural gas consumer in Washington state.
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Roughly one-third of Washington households use natural gas as their primary energy source for home heating.
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